Social Media

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MyEvent Helps You Share Your Event!

Get social and learn how MyEvent helps you spread the word about your event. Increase attendance to your event by letting your personal network of friends, family and fans know about it on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and other social media sites. Then take it one step further and get your guests to promote your event for you! That's where the sharing power of social media really shines through. With one click visitors to your site can post details of your event to their favorite social media sites, passing the news onto their networks. Let your guests pack the house for you!

Here's How It Works

Once your website is up and running, go into your Control Panel to decide which
social media share links to display on each page of your website. You can add share
links for Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Email.

Click on View My Site to refresh your website and you will notice the share link icons displayed in the upper right-hand corner of each webpage. It's as simple as that!

Visitors to your website can now send out news of your event to their social networks quickly and without any hassle. Getting the word out is easier than you think.

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When your guests click on the Facebook share link, they are re-directed to the
Facebook login screen if they aren't already logged into Facebook.

Once logged in, they can select their sharing options, include a comment, and define
the level of privacy they would like:

The link can be shared on their Wall, someone else's Wall, within a group, or on their
profile page.

Privacy options can be customized by clicking on the lock icon. This defines the list
of recipients that will receive the share link.

Privacy options can be customized by clicking on the lock icon. This defines the list of recipients that will receive the share link.

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Twitter is another popular social networking site that offers micro-blogging services,
enabling its users to send and read messages called tweets. When you click on the
Twitter share link you will be re-directed to the Twitter login page.

After successfully logging in, the world awaits your tweet!Your followers will receive the tweet and may decide to re-tweet your tweet to their followers, and so on.
Your viral marketing campaign has officially begun.

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LinkedIn is a professional network where user profiles are centered around career
and business. Guests have only to click on the LinkedIn icon, and log in to the
website. By default a link to your MyEvent website appears in the window.
The privacy settings as well as the list of recipients can be modified before the link
is shared. Get your colleagues and professional associates to attend your event!


Don't know what Facebook is and don't want to know? Are you someone who vows never to have a Facebook account (or Twitter or LinkedIn for that matter)? Some folks out there are less than thrilled about jumping into the latest technology craze. At we understand fully. After all, we like to do most of the heavy lifting for you when it comes to building websites. Our social media tools are no different. We provide you with sharing functionality via good old-fashioned email so you and visitors like you can still leverage the benefits of social networking...without having to actually create an account with the social media giants like Facebook and Twitter. Email a link to your event and enable visitors to do the same, directly from within your website.

By sending email through the form the sender's email address is not displayed therefore protected from spam.

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YouTube allows you to upload a video for free and make it available to everyone across the globe.

Upload a video to YouTube to promote your event and then embed the link in your Control Panel YouTube share section and you will allow everyone who visits your website to view your video on

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